The other day when John came home after spending the morning with his arm up the backside of a cow my first impulse was to hose him off rather than hug him, an impulse I am having to fight more and more often the deeper we get into veterinary medicine. Which made me think about how often women tend to try and pull out the fire hose and blast away anything we don't like about men. While I think scrubbing away the manure is perfectly acceptable dousing their enthusiasm and excitement is not.
John at work. Pre-hose down. |
You receive a lot of advice when you are pregnant some welcome and worthwhile and some off the wall and all together terrifying, but I have noticed that women tend to tell you a lot about how their husbands/partners are useless. Now, I don't live in the land of make believe and I know marriage can be hard (see my celebrity marriage post) and I imagine adding a child into the mix makes it at times even harder, but I also know my husband and I'm just not willing to get on board with the belief men are useless...different yes, but useless no.
The Harris boys. |
Growing up with two brothers provided me with a first hand account of the difference between the sexes and it also taught me a few important lessons. For instances if you can't beat them join them. A lesson I learned when my middle brother Caleb popped the heads of my barbies to use as ammo for his sling shot. Turns out shooting the neighbors dog from our "fort" was a lot more fun than dressing up barbie anyway. Plus, if you give in a little you'll usually get your way...instead of dressing up barbie I ended up stuffing Caleb into my swim suit and making him a real life model...Now if only I had that picture to post!
Despite the differences I've had and have some amazing men and boys in my life who've enriched it in countless ways and since I could soon be living with another boy...I thought I would mention the men in my life who make it special, crazy, at times hair pulling frustrating but always fun and interesting.
The hyena laugh... |
My husband, Johno, tops the list and while his affinity for paint splattered tops, ripped shorts and blue socks sometimes drive me crazy his big hyena laugh never fails to put a smile on my face. As for being useless he's read more than I have about this baby and he's held my hand through every appointment. He keeps me sane and keeps me laughing and he's the reason I seriously contemplated delivering a baby on this crazy island because I couldn't be without him for a minute. At times manure covered yes, useless not for a second.
Making me laugh then cry... |
My brothers, Caleb and James, while very different have one thing in common. A bossy older sister who they indulge, spoil and humor. Thank you both for being your amazing selves and for making growing up with boys a pleasure...well most days.
Brothers really can be sweet |
Now for the man who taught me the finer points of SEC football ( a skill which is totally lost on my husband, as he thinks soccer is football) but who also gave up Saturdays to take me shopping at the mall on dad/daughter dates. My dad has been there for all life's big occasions and made our wedding day sweeter when he performed the ceremony. Dad's are special and make you feel special and mine never fails to support me sometimes in the most surprising ways. The time he told the wedding dress consultant that we weren't interested in anything that looked like "drapes" is one of my favorites. Every girl needs a man in her corner. I'm glad I've got one with some fashion sense...
Special moments |
My father-in-law who embraces his yank daughter- in-law in all ways, but lately through his fashion statements. He is the best story teller I have ever come across, can drink more red wine than anyone I know and gave my husband his trademark laugh and grin.If there is soon to be another Clark man in the world I hope he takes after Charlie and if its a little Clark girl I hope she does as well.
I see where John gets his fashion sense... |
My little nephew Grady Shake who taught me a lot about being three years old this summer. Mainly that its fine to pee on tires and the only cool t-shirt is one without any sleeves. Invaluable lessons that I guarantee won't be in any child rearing books.
We wore this shirt for a week solid |
I've had countless friends, bosses and teachers through the years who have added to my life in very special ways and have to thank them as well. When working in Zambia my friend George, who was the chef at one of our camps, taught me about hard work and selflessness. He also kept a watchful eye on me one night when I was down with Malaria and made me brownies to fatten me up when I started feeling better. He kept me sane when I caught one of our staff smoking the "tree of knowledge" while cleaning the guest rooms, and made me smile when I sat in the kitchen teary eyed after watching a baby elephant lose his momma.
Sitting next to George and with the rest of the crew |
The common denominator among these amazing men is they bring laughter into my life and I don't know what could be more useful than that. Thank you for the laughs and reminding me that even though I may sometimes think you are from Mars....your laughter, humor and love is a very welcome addition to my universe.
Why I love my husband. |