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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Days 19 - 30 (Yikes)

I really am a hopeless failure at keeping up this blog. I started the month (eight days late) with the best of intentions to post what I was thankful for every day. That didn't happen and it's the last day of the month and I've got 12 days to account for. So here goes...

19. The Brilli's. My bestest friend and her husband who trekked down to not watch an SEC game, drink too much red wine and leave again in less than 48 hours. I love them and I miss her everyday.
20. Not getting a job. At the time I wasn't thankful, in fact, it plunged me into a bit of a funk. but I've got a few more precious, hours, weeks, maybe months (double yikes) to spend with my sweet girl so that's a bonus.
21. Wildlife rotation. John had a relatively easy research rotation, and it was so nice to have him home at a normal hour for a few weeks. It's over. And its back to an unpredictable schedule, but I enjoyed having my husband home while it lasted.
22.  Motrin. I've got a teething baby. I'm a fan.
23. BB Guns. They kept the men in my family entertained for hours on end over Thanksgiving weekend. Brought out some serious male bonding!
24. Thanksgiving. Turkey and all that jazz.
25. Tacky Sweaters. My brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law had a tacky sweater engagement party. Was a hoot!
26. Momma. Thankful for mine. She's a tough act to follow!
27. Thankful that the 13 hour car journey from Virginia to Georgia is OVER! I now know what hell must be like. Think interstate 81 for eternity....
28. Home again. I surprised myself when I woke up Monday and Athens felt good.
29. The gym. Thankful I've got one and even use it some days.
30. University Towns. I met one of my favorite authors today, Peter Godwin. He gave a talk at UGA. What a treat.

So, that does it. Lots to be thankful for in this month of thankfulness. I was a bit of a failure at this exercise and may have even said at one point during this month "what am I supposed to say when I don't feel thankful for anything." I may have said it teary and a tad bit dramatic...I'm glad I have a family who's supportive and amazing and reminds me that "when I don't feel thankful" well, really I'm just being a brat. Lots to be thankful for and my family tops the list.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 18: Helping Hands

Thankful for little hands and all they can accomplish!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 17: Baby Blues

I'm struggling today, to be thankful for anything. I think some days you just have those days. Where you just have a bit of a pity party and feel sorry for yourself. Party is in full swing and I actually don't want it to end. It's just easier to feel sorry for myself than buck up and get on with it. Where is my stiff upper lip British/Malawian husband when I need him? Sadly for myself, I do have to come up with something to be thankful for because I committed to a month of thankfulness. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I'm worried it's gonna end my party...

I'll be thankful for what I am thankful for everyday of my life since she arrived. My sweet daughter.

It's not been easy since we arrived in Athens. I don't love it, some days I don't even like it. On those days I feel like throwing in the towel. I don't because I have this.

And this face makes everything seem better.

I also have this face.

And every year I am married to him gets better. Even the hard ones, like this one, are better in their own unique way. So, that's it. Pity Party over. Back on track for a month of thankfulness. Thanks to these two faces.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 12, 13 and 14: Thankfullness X 3

Thankful for a busy weekend where I was too busy to blog. Busy with good friends, football and drinks in front of the fire. That's all I've got for the moment. The cold I've come down with has left me blah....but thankful it's only a cold.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 11: 11.11.11. Make a Wish

Thoughts of wishes conjure up images of birthday candles, circles of children tightly packed against one another as they sing and dance with excitement and tightly squeezed eyes as the birthday boy or girl inhales then exhales to make their wish. Why do we only wish on birthdays, or when the clock strikes 11.11 or on days that come around once a century? What is it about these occasions that give us permission to dream,  to wish and hope it will come true. They say don't tell anyone or your wish won't come true. I think say, write, shout and do it and anything you want will come true.

My daughter is about to have her first birthday, and we'll all pack tightly around her and watch with anticipation, while she likely stares overwhelmed at her first taste of chocolate, and we'll wonder, what, if anything is she wishing. Probably for us to get out of her face....the precursor to the teen years...

What I wish for her, for me and for us all on this day that only comes around once a century is that we remember to wish, dream and do every day. To let our birthday candles burn year round rather than snuff them out with just one wish. I love this quote and wish I remembered to apply it to my own life more often.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”   Marianne Williamson

Happy wishing on  11.11.11 and the rest of the year!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 10: Thanks for the Memories

I'm often reminded of my former life. The one where I was 'living the dream' as a beach bum, yogi, wine swilling Caribbean housewife. Those days are temporarily over, and I've spent the last six months in an extended mourning period. I think its only natural I miss Grenada. It's the island were we got married, had a baby, lost a scooter, lost car tires, gained lifelong friends, learned to lime, failed to wine and had at least 17 mechanics in our employ to keep the world's most expensive piece of tin running.

While we were living the dream, we along with countless other families, were fortunate enough to have Ashley Willis document our dream. Today I'm thankful for Ashley's amazing talent and her ability to capture some of the sweetest memories in a snapshot. Ashley photographed me eight months pregnant and made me look glam. Now that is sheer genius at work to be able to do that!

She photographed our new family and was somehow able to capture the sweet first months of parenthood in a single shot. Her talent, beauty and positive attitude amaze and inspire me. In addition to being just about the most fantastic photographer out there, she is a fantastic writer and her blog makes me laugh and occasionally makes me cry. Everyone should read this entry about her desire for a bambino of her own.

I'm thankful for Ashley. Her talent, honesty, candor and beauty are inspirational. I'm not sure why her bundle of joy is taking so long to get to here, but perhaps for the moment she's being used as an inspiration to many, and when her one, two, three or four do arrive they'll be able to see just how special she is.

I'm thankful for the beautiful memories that hang on my wall as a constant reminder of our island life, and I'm thankful for sweet souls like, Ashley, who share their talent and their struggles.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 9

Looks like I'm officially on track for this month of thankfulness. I'm thankful for the last several months that I've been able to work from home and not have to leave this sweet face....

I worked for Skaddadle Media out of California and a nicer bunch of folks you could not find.

Here's the project I worked on. This makes me thankful for companies like Windstream who inspire our kids to get out and do amazing things in their community. If you can vote for one of these schools to win $25,000.

Thanks Windstream and Skedaddle for allowing me to stay home and enjoy almost 11 months with my sweet girl. These moments are priceless.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gratitude x 8

It's November and I haven't written in months. No real reason, I've been busy, I've been lazy, I've got nothing to say the list goes on and on....

I've noticed that people are posting things they are grateful for throughout the month of November. As usual I'm behind the eight ball. We are eight days into this exercise and I am eight days behind. So here goes...Here are my eight blessings.

1) Guilty of eavesdropping, I listened to my husband reading bedtime stories to our daughter. It made me smile, and made me laugh that one book turned into eight. It also made me think that some of the best memories of my life will be ones she will never remember, but I'll never forget the sweet sounds of daddy and daughter bed time stories.
Dad and Charlie sharing a giggle

2) Visitors. We've been blessed with many, and throughout the somewhat difficult transition from Grenada to Athens they've often been my salvation. Giving me something to look forward to, weekends filled with belly laughter and a reminder to be thankful for the people in our life that make it infinitely better!

3) Clyde and Jack. Our first visitors . A visit which included a few days of bad behavior and reminiscing about the good ole days in Grenada. A southerner with a slow melodic voice, he reminded me of home in Grenada, and now that we're back 'home' a visit from him reminds me of the things we loved. Lazy island days, too many caribs and a little mischief...

Jack and Charlie seem to both be wondering where is the sea?

4) Serena and Andy. Two of the most generous and sweet people you'll ever meet. They housed us in Grenada and Serena, always kept us hydrated. We're grateful they took time off the island to come and play for awhile in our new hood.

Couldn't find any photos of their visit must be on John' computer, but love this one of Andy and Charlie.

5) James and Kathryn. My brother and soon - to - be - sister - in - law. They got us back into the tradition of SEC football. We tailgated and cheered for the dawgs and spending time with them made me grateful Kathryn Harris will soon be Kathryn Harris Harris!
The Dawg Walk a UGA tradition
6) Devin and Christine. Two of my all time favorite people even if they are Canadian. :) They are interesting, funny, lovely, generous, sweet, well traveled and well...sizzled. We laughed and ate then ate some more. Devin may be one of the best cooks on the planet and it's a pleasure to eat his food. In Grenada we had a Sunday date most Sundays, and the weekend they spent with us reminded me of those happy times. I miss them, but know our paths will cross again soon and I can't wait to see where it does...
A vineyard in North Georgia...who was fantastic

7) Shannon, Justin and Colin. Shannon and Justin will and go go anywhere and everywhere. They came to see me in Zambia, traveled to Grenada to be part of our wedding when Shan was 7 months pregnant. They are constants in our lives and give me the strength to embark on new adventures, because I know wherever we go there they will be. They inspire me, make me laugh and I love them and their sweet growing family. There will be another little Offen in December and this baby is fortunate to have some of the coolest parents and the best big brother you could ask for.

8) Caleb + Dad and family. Recently we celebrated my brother Caleb's 30th and my Dad's 57th! It was a great weekend and our home was filled with laughter, children and former UGA football players who made our tiny house seem well, minuscule. I have to include a shout out to MC. Who is a fantastic aunt and baby sitter!

Harris/Clark girls

These are my eight. A sweet husband and daughter who spend time together. Several sets of friends and family who have brightened our lives these last few months. The list goes on and on and I'll keep updating it this month but THANK YOU to these individuals for your love and support and for making me laugh til my belly hurts.