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Monday, October 19, 2009

Bipolar Island

Some days I am not sure if its me or this island but my moods seem to swing from one extreme to the next. One minute we are as my friend Kathy says "living the dream" enjoying the amazing beauty and opportunities Grenada has to offer.

Enjoying an amazing day on Keith and Suzie's boat... Can't get much better than this.

And Then...This happens

Which significantly alters your mood....

After you realize you've been rooted to the earth with your mouth hanging open in disbelief for the last five minutes... you start to get mad. I am talking blood boiling want to punch something MAD then you shrug and laugh and take a photo. And then you go to the police and my god you only thought your blood was boiling and now not only do you just want to punch something in general that something has now become a someone with a face who sullenly and slooooooooooooooowly takes a report from you. You don't punch, you grit your teeth so hard you lose about an 1/8th of an inch of enamel and then you try and smile through those tightly gritted teeth and after the insanely tedious report which you know and they know does no good you walk out and shake your head and you are not sure whether to laugh or cry and maybe you do a bit of both.

I only mention this as this is the 3rd time we've dealt with police and insurance on this island. Both are fairly inept though insurance does cover some things just not stolen tires, stolen scooter parts but it does cover broken windshields when you are hit from behind...Above is our first theft on the island stolen tires,I don't have the heart to take a photo of our current vehicles which include: a suzuki escudo with a busted out windshield which has a trash bag duct taped in its place and a scooter that was mysteriously returned after another filed police report...with most of the parts missing. Thank you Bobby, mechanic who works behind the Texaco on Maurice Bishop Highway! We will not be using you again...

Anyway, some days I find the Caribbean the most relaxing place on earth and other days I wonder if I should up my dental policy as I may be investing in dentures by the time I leave this island...We'll take the good with the bad and living life here is nothing if not adventurous, maddening and touched with a bit of mental illness...

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you are having such bad luck with your vehicles..that really stinks! I hope things will get better.
