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Thursday, October 28, 2010

8 Month Check up

This weekend we had some photos taken at 8 months. Figured we might as well document growing this baby on an island. While I think this is a cute, though somewhat cheesy photo, we've never heard anything with the stethoscope, but its fun to try!

Our little bump is growing and getting feister by the day. Feeling lots of rocking and rolling. I think in December this little bambino may give us a run for our money!

One day our child will probably look at these and die of embarrassment that we did this, but I'm sure this is not the first time we're going to embarrass this little munchkin!

Island Bump

When we leave Grenada I'll miss these sunsets. I love that we've got a great picture to remember them by.
Let's hope the next weeks are as much fun as the last few months have been! Looking forward to a safe arrival in December!