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Saturday, February 13, 2010


My husband has just informed me that my previous blog post does not sound like the musings of poor married students. I think he is worried we are going to lose our financial aid, and he may be right b/c after I read it I did sound like a spoiled brat.  He pointed out that having a cleaner and weekly cooking lessons make us (well me) sound spoiled and frivolous. So, I now feel obliged to clear up a few things from my previous post.

1.) Our cleaner, Sally Ann, who we LOVE, comes twice a month and does not charge us very much. This I think makes me an exploiter of island labor not spoiled...not sure which is worse...
2.) Cooking lessons are also relatively inexpensive (again I am exploiting) and I justify this extravagance as it may be the only time in my life I'll have the time or resources to have private cooking lessons, also if I cook well, we'll stay in more often or at least that is the theory
3.) I have a job and before the Government of Grenada comes to deport me. I work for a company in the US part time and I pay US taxes. With this additional income I set aside some fun money and fun for me is cooking and a clean house.
4) I alluded to very expensive knives...we just got married and received them as wedding gifts. We have GREAT friends.
5) The expensive pan. I stole it from my mom. Sorry mom...

So you see I am hopefully not as spoiled and frivolous as I first made out, but I am actually a thieving exploiter of island resources with really nice friends who give great wedding gifts. We may have less friends after they now read about my true character. As no one actually reads this blog I am not to worried...well no one but my mom reads it and I am expecting a call wanting her pot back...

In summary I will say we have a great life are very fortunate and yes, I am spoiled b/c I live on an incredible island with my husband and get to take advantage of some amazing opportunities. We do lead a very rich life for poor students and I am grateful every day.

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